19 March - 16 April 2022

Catalina Peña - You studied tropical agronomy and sustainable agriculture. What inspired you to pursue an artistic path?


Kevin-Ademola Sangosanya - I became interested in that little voice inside you that says "this is it, this is what you have to do". In the West, we call it the unconscious or superego, and it constitutes one of the instances of our psychic being along with the conscious. In Yoruba spiritual culture, this little voice is called the "Ori". Your whole being is made up of a spirit and a head, both of which live incarnated in the body.


The head is a motor.


Your spirit chooses a "head" to guide it through its physical incarnation. It has its own particularities and tastes that you need to listen to. For example, if your engine is that of a boat, but you use it in the desert, it won't work. If your engine is a car engine and you use it for sailing, it's not going to work.


CP - How do you access this "head"?

KAS - In Yoruba spiritual culture, there are many rituals and ceremonies performed in sacred forests, at the foot of sacred trees or with plant material. The forest functions as a portal to the invisible world, that of spirits, including those of ancestors and orishas (deities).

Where do you come from?


Each village has its own forest, with a family link to its origins. It's a physical place where you can connect with the spirits who live there. By connecting with them, you can access your head, your origins...


Catalina Peña