Born in 1988 in Casablanca, Morocco.

Lives and works in Paris.

Graduated from of Fine Arts High School of Casablanca in 2011, he enriched his initial training for ten years by participating in multiple residencies abroad, in Norway at the Gamle Ormelet Art Center in 2015, in Poland during the Malownisza Barbarka Torun International Painting Festival in 2016, but also in Belgium, Thailand, Turkey, Qatar or in 2020 at the private residence Le Verger in Rennes. Thanks to these encounters and ongoing research, he explores one of his favorite themes, which is the grip of the power of money on our lives, undermining both relationships within couples and social exchanges. Attentive to the different forms of power, both religious and political, which hinder the free development of individuals, Saad Nazih always offers in his painting a way out towards dreams and imagination; where all tensions are condensed and the wildest desires are also fulfilled. If his work can sometimes evoke the Flemish painting of a Brueghel or a Bosch in the attention he pays to miniatures, it is towards a surrealist aesthetic that most of his paintings tend. Often allegorical, his works are also vectors of moral values that the viewer can decipher in filigree if he knows how to pay close attention to the enigmas that are proposed to him. For the quality of his work, the painter has received several first prizes to date, including at the Monastir Plastic Arts Festival in 2013 in Tunisia, the National Crossroads of Young Painters in 2015 in Morocco or the Banque Populaire in 2018. He has participated in several exhibitions, both in his native country and internationally, at fairs or represented by art galleries, in Denmark, Austria, India or Spain.